Sunday, 17 June 2012

The Time have come!!

Feeling: High, very High
Time: 2am (Just finish watching Euro 2012 Spain Vs Italy)

The match ended in a 1-1 draw, so before i switch off the computer i thou why not check the HDB website to see if there was any updates.

Then i saw the "Holy" message! You will receive your keys to your new flat on 20th June 2012 @ 1.10pm! I then turn to my wife, who have long lost the war against the Zzzz Monster. I gently whisper into her ear that we will be getting our keys in june. At first, she had no reaction, just a "hummmm" reply which means ok....

Then she open her eyes and ask me if i check the internet, then she goes on to talk about a list of things we need to follow up. I was so happy that i was not able to sleep from 2am-4am, which was the last time i saw the time. Thou i only slept for 2 hrs, the whole day i was feeling "High"!! So high that my brain is so activity.

So the next day i try to put some pressure on my ID, by telling him that we are getting keys on the 20th this month, which is about 1 week away. He then told me the 3D drawing for my house is also completed and here they are! Superb! I Love it! 

This our first 3D drawing of our living room, the software is really good, it make it look so real. It give us an ideal what our house would look like. I think its simple and nice. With the track lights, black piping, the ceiling looks interesting. But the brick wall seem abit small, might want to extend further. (Photos have been remove to give visitors a surprise) - For viewing of showroom, please contact us! wahahaha



Here are the rest of the photos. Some changes to be made, colours are proposed by designer but not really what we like.

The whole thing about getting our house keys is not so much about owning a house, but more of a moving on in life. From single, to dating, to marriage preparing, to a couple, to have our love nest, and maybe the next "Gen" is a form of moving ahead in life. It's fun to be able to move on!! Wed here i come!

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